Tuesday, 13 December 2011

The Breakdown

Of the van...not our relationship! Well, our trip was going just a little bit too smoothly, we had to have a hurdle at some point! When we picked up the van the chap said “the one thing you don’t want the van to say is - check all gauges” before quickly adding “but the chances of this happening are very slight, so don’t worry”. Guess what happened today! We left Vegas around 9am and had been driving for about an hour. Suddenly, on the freeway, while listening to some Flight of the Chonchoreds, the scary message flashed up...Arran’s expert driving skills came into play as he lost power steering and the engine died.
We then headed up to a gas station (straight out of 'Wrong Turn') we had passed a half mile back, to phone the free toll breakdown number. While walking through the interesting desert verge we saw many sights including tumble weed and another coyote! (it ran away as soon as it spotted us). The ladies at the gas station/deli were luckily incredibly friendly and helpful. The pay phone did not work so we had to use one of their mobile phones. It all got sorted out after a few phone calls and we had time to have a bite to eat at the Deli.

Singing the blues.
After the pickup truck arrived we ended up in a small town called Kingmam, where the garage (after 2.5 hours) found the route of our troubles – a faulty fuel pump. Problem solved.
As it was late, we decided to spend the night in a nearby motel, for some much needed rest and showers! (hence the internet).
Tomorrow we are heading to the Grand Canyon as planned.
Arran & Emily